GigaCore supported SNMP OIDs (Gen 1 and Gen 2)
This article describes the OID's supported by the GigaCores that return relevant info. - SNMP must be enabled on the GigaCore switches, either via Arano, or the WebUI, as it is disabled by default. - GigaCores use SNMP V1 and V2c. - The default ...
Linux Reverse Path Filtering and Multicast Packet Drops on Edge Devices
Introduction Linux kernel's reverse path filtering (RPF) is a security feature designed to help prevent IP address spoofing. While effective for security, this feature can cause unintended side effects, such as dropping legitimate multicast packets. ...
GigaCore (Gen 1 and Gen 2) recommended settings for a grandMA3 MA-Net3 setup
Intro When setting up a grandMA3 Session, multicast protocols are used, either MA-Net3 for the connection between grandMA3 consoles, grandMA3 processing units ( PU's) and grandMA3 Nodes, or streaming ACN as output from the console or into the ...
AVB / Milan
GigaCore switches support AVB / Milan. In the current firmware versions (as of writing: GigaCore v1.4.1 of gen2 and GigaCore v3.1.0 for gen1), AVB is enabled by default on all ports. Enabling AVB on GigaCore To enable AVB on second generation ...
Audinate Dante
All the groups on Luminex switches are configured to work with the Audinate Dante audio protocol out-of-the-box, no additional configuration is needed. GigaCore switches are managed switches with a friendly user interface. The Araneo software can be ...
MultiLinkX link aggregation
Introduction MultiLinkX is Luminex's link aggregation protocol. It is based on the standard IEEE Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP). Other terms for link aggregations are 'trunking', 'bonding' or 'bundling'. With MultiLinkX, multiple physical ...
IP Multicast and IGMP
Introduction IP Multicast is a method of sending IP packets to a group of interested Receivers in a single transmission. It uses specially reserved Multicast Address blocks (Class D: – It is often employed for streaming ...
Feature: PTPv2 Boundary Clock
Introduction Starting from firmware version v3.1.0 (first generation GigaCore) and v1.3.0 (second generation GigaCore), the GigaCore will support PTPv2 Boundary Clock functionality. The public announcement for this feature including an introduction ...
Using AVB on Luminex Switches - New GigaCore line
No additional service charges or licenses are required to enable the AVB feature-set. This article applies to the following models : GigaCore 10i GigaCore 10t GigaCore 16i GigaCore 16t GigaCore 18t GigaCore 20t GigaCore 30i References This article ...
GigaCore Bitfocus Companion Streamdeck module
Introduction Luminex products have an open HTTP API. This API can be used to integrate with other software applications. The GigaCore API is documented here (generation 2) and here (generation 1). One such application is Bitfocus Companion, a ...
GigaCore Gen2 API documentation
In the attached document you can find all the web API commands available for the second generation GigaCore. The API is also available on the device itself by browsing to http://{YOUR_DEVICE_IP}/api/doc This API works for Gen2 GigaCore switches. All ...
Group aware RLinkX
Group aware RLinkX ring detection RLinkX, which stands for Redundant Link by Luminex, is an automated system to indicate redundant paths between your GigaCore switches. It has been a well known feature of the first generation of GigaCore switches: if ...
Feature: Custom Epaper / E-Ink picture
Custom Epaper / E-Ink display Affected devices: All GigaCore switches with Electronic Paper / E-Ink display Minimal firmware version: v1.3.0 Starting from firmware version v1.3.0, it is possible to upload a custom .PNG image to your GigaCore and show ...
SNMP / RMON on Gigacore switches
Gigacore switches offer SNMP based on the RMON standard (RFC 1757) You can find detailed documentation on the standard here : That being said, it is usually automatically detected in major software like PRTG.
Gigacore Switches and Avid S6L
As most of you probably know by now, Gigacore switches can be used to connect the different units in an Avid S6L system. The procedure to configure Gigacore switches is described by Avid in this document : ...
Gigacore (Gen 1) HTTP Commands
In this article, wedescribe http commands you can use to gather informations from a Gigacore (Gen1)switch and apply some settings http://<switch IP>/config/group_port GET: ...
QoS : DSCP Mapping Table
QoS - DSCP Mapping All GigaCore models come with a default QoS mapping scheme that fits to the common multimedia protocols like AVB / Milan, Dante, AES67,... This scheme allows all these protocols to live together in a converged network. DSCP/Class ...
GigaCore (Gen 1) as AVB Grandmaster Change priorities with CLI. *************************************************************************************** The use of the CLI is, as always, at your own risk. ...
Using AVB on Luminex Switches - Original GigaCore line
Luminex GigaCore switches are Avnu Certified with firmware version 2.8.0 and later. All GigaCore switches, including legacy devices already installed in the field, will be capable of receiving this firmware update. No additional service charges or ...
Can I connect a Gigacore Switch to a third party switch trunk?
Absolutely! Here is what you need to know to achieve that : The Gigacore line of switches uses 20 pre-implemented VLANs that we call "Groups". The ISL Group is a trunk with all these 20 VLans tagged. Group 1 (Management) = VID : 1 Group 2 = VID : 200 ...
What are the default credentials of a GigaCore? (Gen 1 and Gen 2)
By default, any GigaCore switch will use the following: Login: admin Password: no password, leave the field blank
Mirroring a port for traffic capture
In order to analyse the traffic coming from and going to a specific device, you might have to mirror the port it is plugged into. To do so, connect to the switches CLI using Putty or any SSH client software. Enter username and password ( default : ...
Switch Firmware downgrade
It is higly recommanded to do a factory reset when downgrading firmware on Gigacore switches. We have observed some strange behavior in this scenario