GigaCore as AVB Grandmaster

GigaCore as AVB Grandmaster

Change priorities with CLI.

The use of the CLI is, as always, at your own risk.

Access the CLI with an SSH client like Putty or Moba Xterm

Default Login : admin
there is no password by default (or the password set as in the web authentication)


Enter the configuration mode :

  1.     # configure terminal

Change the settings of PtP Domain 0 :

  1.     (config)# ptp 0 gptp rootSystemPriority1 <0-255>

Where 0-255 is a requested priority
!!!!! 255 is lowest priority (NOT grandmaster capable) and 0 is highest!!!!!
After that you should replug at least one of the cables to trigger the BMCA.

To Save the configuration

  1.     (config)# exit
  2.     # copy running-config startup-config

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