MultiLinkX link aggregation

MultiLinkX link aggregation


MultiLinkX is Luminex's link aggregation protocol. It is based on the standard IEEE Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP). Other terms for link aggregations are 'trunking', 'bonding' or 'bundling'.
With MultiLinkX, multiple physical connections can be combined into a single virtual connection. This increases the theoretical bandwidth and the resilience of the connections.

MultiLinkX technology is available on trunk ports. This includes the ISL (inter-switch link) ports.

1 + 1 is NOT 2!

By adding an additional link into the aggregation, it's easy to think you’ll have double the bandwidth available. However, MulitLinkX relies on LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol). The algorithm used by the protocol requires several parameters of the Ethernet frame to decide to which port of the aggregation the frame will be forwarded.
The protocol uses the following parameters:
  1. Source Mac Address
  2. Source IP Address
  3. Source Port (TCP/UDP)
  4. Destination IP Address
  5. Destination Port (TCP/UDP)
  6. The ports included in the aggregation
In some circumstances it might happen that several data streams will be forwarded to the same port. Therefore, you might still get bandwidth limitations when using MultiLinkX, even though the theoretical maximum bandwidth of the aggregation isn't reached yet.


MultiLinkX can be enabled on GigaCore trunks. For second generation GigaCore, this is available starting from firmware version v1.5.0.
Current limitations for using MultiLinkX:
  1. MultiLinkX can only be enabled if the trunk has maximum 8 ports per second-generation GigaCore assigned.
  2. In total, a switch can have only 6 distinct link aggregations.
  3. Only ports that are part of the same trunk will form an aggregation
    1. If you need more than 8 ports as a trunk with the same groups, you can create another custom trunk which includes the same groups
    2. If you would like to make sure that particular ports don't form an aggregation, put them in separate trunks.
  4. MultiLinkX should not be used in combination with AVB.
  5. MultiLinkX works on 1Gbps and 10Gbps connections, the interfaces in a MultiLinkX LAG should all have the same speed.
Enabling MultiLinkX can be done through trunk settings by enabling the 'MultiLinkX checkbox'.

There is no need to configure which ports should belong to which aggregation. This will be arranged automatically using LACP.


When the MultiLinkX overlay is enabled in Araneo, the status will be shown with a white or magenta line. The same colors are visible in the web interface. You can also use the mode button on the device itself to navigate to the magenta 'MultiLinkX' mode. In this mode, the ports will get the same colors.
  1. A white line indicate ports on which an aggregation is active
  2. A magenta line indicates a port for which MultiLinkX is enabled, but which is not part of an aggregation.
In the following screenshot, notice that:
  1. One GigaCore can have multiple aggregations within the same trunk. In this case, each GigaCore has 2 aggregations of 2 ports each.
  2. MultiLinkX can be used together with RLinkX / RSTP. In this case you see that the dotted lines indicate the RLinkX discarding links.
    1. Recovery time on a topology-change when mixing MultiLinkX with RLinkX can be slower compared to just using RLinkX since the link aggregations have to be re-established.
  3. Aggregations are not limited to 2 physical connections. In this case, there are 3 connections between the two GigaCore 30i devices.

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