Mirroring a port for traffic capture
In order to analyse the traffic coming from and going to a specific device, you might have to mirror the port it is plugged into.
To do so, connect to the switches CLI using Putty or any SSH client software.
Enter username and password ( default : username=admin , no password )
then :
- # configure terminal
- (config)# monitor source interface GigabitEthernet 1/<source port number> both
- (config)# monitor destination interface GigabitEthernet 1/<destination port number>
Once you are done with monitoring, to deactivate the port mirroring :

- (config)# no monitor destination
- (config)# no monitor source interface GigabitEthernet 1/<source port number>
- (config)# exit
You can reboot the switch to discard the mirroring configuration as well.
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