LumiSplit 2.10 EtherCon connector pin-out

LumiSplit 2.10 EtherCon connector pin-out

LumiSplit 2.10 EtherCon pin-out

Part number: LU 01 00044-ETH (LumiSplit 2.10 Ethercon)

For the LumiSplit equiped with RJ45 EtherCon ports we are using the following connection schedule from the ESTA E1-11 DMX Standard:

Table 4 - Connection Schedule for DMX512 Equipment Using IEC 60603-7 8-Position Modular Connectors
Pin (Wire) #
Wire Color
DMX512 Function
white / orange
data 1+
data 1-
white / green
data 2+ (optional)
data 2- (optional)
Not assigned
white / blue
Not assigned
white / brown
Data link common (common reference) for data 1 (0 v)
Data link common (common reference) for data 2 (0 v)


      Note 1: Pin numbering and color in accordance with ANSI/TIA/EIA-568 scheme T568B.
      Note 2: Pin 8 should be wired as signal common even if pins 3 and 6 are NOT wired so that both conductors 7 and 8 are at equal potential.

Data 2 is NOT being used in the LumiSplit
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