LumiNode LED indicators

LumiNode LED indicators

There are various LEDs on the LumiNode. Here is a list of the LEDs, the possible colours, and the meaning of each colour:

DMX Port



DMX Input


Blinking: Active input

DMX only (output mode)


Blinking: DMX activity

DMX + RDM (output mode)


Blinking: DMX activity

Stream loss


Source stream lost

Stream recovered


Source stream recovered

DMX redundancy


Magenta flashing

Output idle

Output active

Network port       



Left LED (Link)


Gigabit connection
Blinking: Ethernet Traffic



100Mbit connection

Right LED (Mode)


Default colour


Green flashing

Device booting


Orange blinking

Firmware upgrade in progress


Green blinking

Identify in progress

USB Port



USB (node1 only)


Powered from USB or PoE during bootup



Unit booted and running


Orange blinking

Firmware upgrade in progress


Green blinking

Identify in progress

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