In this document we will show how to configure your setup to run the Robe RoboSpot through your existing network infrastructure using the LumiNodes.
In this setup we have one LumiNode at the base station side to create the DMX input to the system and another LumiNode at the fixture side to translate the ArtNet or sACN to DMX.
This setup has been tested with LumiNode firmware 2.2.1 onwards.
Base station side:
At the base station side, configure a process engine to have DMX as input and select which ArtNet or sACN universe you wish to create. Make sure the RDM is enabled.
Make a note of the artRDM universe that has been assigned to your port on the DMX/RDM page.
Make sure both nodes are in the same group / VLAN in your network.
Fixture side:
At the fixture side, configure a process engine to forward the ArtNet or sACN universe created at the base station side to DMX.
On the DMX/RDM page make sure that the following settings are correct:
- RDM is enabled.
- Adoptive discovery can be ON or OFF.
- Interweaving is DISABLED.
- The artRDM universe matches the artRDM universe from the base station side.
The setup is now ready to be used. As soon as you start the base station and the discovery is triggered, the LumiNode will also trigger the RDM discovery and send the found fixture data back to the base station.
Known limitations (firmware version V2.6.0 and lower):
firmware V6.7 introduces some challenges for this setup. Currently, Luminode 12
devices running firmware 2.5.1 can only use DMX input ports 1 through 4 to
connect to Robospot controllers running V6.7. using DMX ports 5 through 12 will
not work.
when the Robospot Controllers are connected on the same network and group
(VLAN) as a Luminode, ArtNet universe 0 should NOT be used to transfer data
between the nodes. Any other Artnet universe, or using sACN will work.
This limitation is fixed in the firmware release of V2.6.1 of april 2024
Schematic view of the setup:

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