Can I connect a Gigacore Switch to a third party switch trunk?

Can I connect a Gigacore Switch to a third party switch trunk?

Absolutely! Here is what you need to know to achieve that :

The Gigacore line of switches uses 20 pre-implemented VLANs that we call "Groups".

The ISL Group is a trunk with all these 20 VLans tagged.

Group 1 (Management) = VID : 1
Group 2 = VID : 200
Group 3 = VID : 300
And so on : Group n = VID : (nx100)

You can also customize the VID for groups 2 to 20 in the advanced section of each group to match an existing VLAN structure.

As some Wi-Fi infrastructure hardware requires it, you have the option to untag VLAN 1 ( Management ) on the ISL ( Trunk ).
This option is in the ISL advanced menu.

We also recommend to disable RLinkX on ports connected to third party switching devices.

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